Monday 11 April 2011

Evaluation question 5

Evaluation question 5:
How did you attract/address your audience

When constructing our media product we thought that it was important for the audience to identify with a character so that they can become immersed in the story as it unfolds, in order to do this we tried to how different shots and close ups of the protagonist form different angles thus creating the effect that the audience are also involved with anything that the protagonist is involved with.

When designing our thriller film we wished to give the audience a genre pleasure in which the audience feels a sense of familiarity that reminds them of other products. We also wished to give Intellectual and narrative pleasures by allowing the audience to piece together the story and solve the plot as the protagonist does. Another pleasure we wished to advertise is the escapist pleasure that audiences can watch our media product and become immersed in the storyline.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Evaluation question 3

Evaluation question 3:
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

There are many ways that my media product could be distributed such as through the form of a cinema release. I believe that my product may be distributed in a chain of mainstream cinemas like VUE or Odeon. In order to do that I believe that marketing would need to advertise its release, by creating a two minute long trailer to shown on big budget films that have an earlier release date, another way of doing this by reaching out would be advertising on 3D films considering 3D films increasing popularity in recent years. 

We could utilize the Internet in order to market virally, an example of this would be releasing a short trailer of the film on a video sharing website like: YouTube. Another way of utilizing the internet for marketing could be creating a website dedicated to the purpose of advertising the film that others could go on to discover more about the film.

I think that a production company like Universal Pictures would distribute this film, this I because it is Universal Pictures that also distributed The Bourne Ultimatum.  When it comes to home release I believe that some time after cinema release it would be released in large retail stores like HMV or online like, I believe that it would be released on DVD and Blu ray to the general public. Another way of distributing would be on television, when it could be released on Sky Box Office in which members of the general public can pay to rent the film for a limited time that would branch out the distribution process.

During the home release of the movie it could also be available to purchase in other forms such as digitally online, for example iTunes is a vast library in which paying customers can pay to legally download the film onto a computer or portable device.

Evaluation question 4

Evaluation Question 4:
Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my media product would be 15-25 year old males because of the elements we have that appeal to this particular target audience that incorporates a familiar feel of other thriller films. The reason that it would attract mostly males is due to the action-motivated narrative that our film has. Another reason we choose the 15-25 year old male audience is because we feel that this audience would be able to identify with the protagonist due to the nature in which it was shot and the idea that the audience can escape into this world with the characters and become involved with the story as it progresses. Our audience would also enjoy watching other similar thriller films like: The Bourne Ultimatum, Casino Royale, and Memento. The audience is likely to watch their films at mainstream cinemas such as VUE or Odeon. Our audience's social class would most likely be in the C1 - C2 demographic and that they are aspirers that wish to escape into the story.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Discuss Representation of Status in Jane Eyre

Discuss the representation of status in Jane Eyre

By Jake Bromley

In the extract we were shown we see a variety of characters and their status and then shifts of status. At the beginning of the extract we see that the expensive manor that Jane’s aunt owns shows her High status as a form of authority and also shows her high social status implying that she comes from a wealthy background. The dark colour change when the scene changes shows Brockelhurst’s influence on Jane, this represents his status as a controlling character overruling Jane. When we first see the school from the outside it resembles a prison, as Jane enters the school we see her overwhelmed by its scale representing her status dramatically drops, as she no longer has any power. Later Jane is made to wear a school uniform showing the audience that her individuality has been completely removed and her status as a character is insignificant.


Throughout the extract there are many quick shots to keep the audience engaged with the action that allows the audience to feel fully immersed in the story.


The dialect of the characters shows their social statuses, Jane’s aunt and Brockelhurst are both well-spoken characters that speak firmly and clearly this shows their dominance over Jane suggesting their higher status.


Throughout the extract there are many close ups, this is so the audience is able to identify with Jane and empathize with her, another technique of this is when we see an over the shoulder shot looking over Jane’s shoulder and down onto her aunt, this places the audience into Jane’s ‘shoes’ and for the first time shows that Jane has the higher moral status than the other characters. There is a low shot the looks up at Brockelhurst when we first see his character; this shows his immediate dominance over the other characters. Later on in the extract we see a low angle shot looking up at Jane standing on a stool, with Brockelhurst, this shows that even though her character’s status is not very high, her moral status is above every other character.

Evaluation question 2

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our thriller film is a male dominated film; in our opening there is only two characters, both of which are male. The protagonist is an active and complex character in his early thirties, he is in the audience’s perspective the ‘good guy’, he is the character the audiences identify with. The Antagonist is an active, simplistic character in his early forties. All this creates a male dominated genre, we did not purposely choose to omit females from our product we just felt it did not fit with the narrative of our film. In our thriller film we do not have a proportionally representation of society because our character’s ages are quite close

In our thriller film it is arguable that we reinforce a stereotype that individuals involved with crime are man in there 30’s – 40’s and the clothes they wear suggest involvement in crime such as; a leather jacket and a military style trench coat.

Monday 4 April 2011

Target Audience Write Up

Thriller film Target audience profile

When constructing our thriller film we had to consider our target audience, their demographic and to research our target audience’s preferences as far as film and in particular thriller film.

Our target audience is 15-25 year old males who enjoy action films. When gathering research, we discovered that our target audience liked films like ‘The Bourne Ultimatum’ and ‘Memento’ which eventually led to them being used as influences when constructing our thriller. 

During our research we discovered that our audience greatly admire the editing of such films like ‘The Bourne Ultimatum’ and ‘Memento’ because they were vital to the narrative and the telling of the story. We found it important to get the pace of the film similar to other thriller films so the audience can feel a sense of familiarity. Our film appeals to those who’s psychodynamic would be aspires that go to watch a film to escape into a world in which they identify with an action hero.

The Bourne Ultimatum poster shows Matt Damon standing in the fore ground showing his role as an action hero that aspirers can identify with his character as a form of escape from reality.

We have taken a still from the film’s opening and used it as a poster.
The still here from the opening, is the protagonist looking at himself in the mirror for the first time since he awoke from not knowing where he was. This shows the gritty and dark atmosphere of the film, which appeals to our target audience.  He is looking for his identity, which the audience can relate to because they are always, is learning his identity as he is.

The genre of our thriller film is an action thriller; to advertise our poster shows our protagonist standing in a pose that is familiar in most thriller film posters this gives the audience their first impression of familiarity. The audience love action and the thrill that these films provide especially if they feel a familiar thrill they may have witnessed before and they get pleasure out of this. The pleasure that a generic mainstream thriller film can provide.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Thriller Film Typeface

It was important when producing our thriller film opening to find an appropriate font that fits with our film and genre. To discover what fonts were appropriate to use we researched other thriller films to see what kind of fonts are appropriate, we came across 'Inception' and we liked the bold block letters so we thought we could use this as an influence in the production of ours. We feel that the bold letters match the connotations of an action thriller film that we wish to capture.

Thriller Film Soundtrack

When constructing our thriller opening a key factor to take into consideration was the soundtrack, although when we made a final decision we didnt have any music that carried on but a short piece of music everytime a flashback was shown. When the flashback began a sudden sharp high pitched noise that lasts a couple of seconds can breifly be heard, this symbolizes to the audience that the flashback has begun after that a short piece of eerie music is played throughout the duration of the flashback, this is to give the impression that the protagonist's past may be consumed in sinister goings on.

When researching for a sound effect for the begining of the flashbacks we decided we wanted something like the sound effects heard in the opening of 'Se7en' a sort of sharp metallic grinding noise. Then when we were looking for music to play during the flashbacks we wanted an eerie sort of echo noise that sort of came in waves, suggesting that it was calm yet mysterious aswell.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Thriller Film Character Casting

The Protagonist:
The requirements for our protagonist were that they were a tall male that was able to film at short notice and preferably had experience in acting. Me and Jamil decided in the end that for practicality it was best that one of us was cast as the protagonist and because I was the closest to our descrption, so I was cast as the protagonist.

The Antagonist:
When we began searching for someone to play the antagonist we had to bare in mind that only the back of the actor would be seen so we only had some basc requirments which were: shorter than the protagonist and were also able to film at short notice. After looking for potentials, we finally cast my friend David as the Antagonist because he matched our description and was able to film when we needed to.

Thriller Film Characters

The Protagonist:
Our Protagonist is a caucasian male in his early thirties, when we first see him he is waking up in the middle of nowhere injured with a gunshot wound that 'apparently' killed him. He wakes up and has no recollection of where he is or who he is and the only way he can piece together his past is his memory slowly recovering shown in the forms of flashbacks.

The Antagonist:
The antagonist is an mysterious man in his early forties, at the begining of the story not much is known about him only that he is invoved with the protagonist's past and may hold the key to unlocking it.

Thriller Film Costumes, Props and Objects

Costumes, Props and Objects

The protagonist wears a basic grey t-shirt that has a bullet hole on the chest and a blood patch around the hole. We choose the colour grey to represent the protagonist's moral ambiguity.

The Protagonist is also wearing dark blue jeans, this suggests that he is seemingly in the eyes of the public an 'average guy'.

 Over the grey T-shirt, our protagonist wears a leather jacket, but only in the flashbacks of him getting ready. We choose a male leather jacket because it suggests masculinity and gives the audience the chance to make their own assumtions of the protagonist.

The Protagonist wears a pair of white trainers, we choose white trainers because he wears a grey T-shirt to represent moral ambiguity, the black jacket to suggest a dark side to him and the white trainers to represent purity, that he is a good guy so the audience can identify with him.

The antagonist wears a military style trench coat, this represents a man of action but has a sinister feel about him. The dark coat represnets evil so the audience can recognize immediately that he is a bad guy.

In our opening scene we only have two props, both of which are two handguns. Both the protagonist and Antagonist have guns, this shows that both characters are involved in crime and both are dangerous.

Thriller Film Locations

Thriller film locations

When deciding locations to film our project we needed to find a run down urban location for our scenes outside, for this we used The Hewett School. On the schools grounds we found an open space that would be ideal for the scene when the protagonist wakes up and has no idea where he is. For the shots when we see the protagonist running we used different areas of The Hewett School and different shots to show the intensity of the story, for example we filmed a low angle looking up at the protagonist running down some stone stairs, showing that it was an urban location.

For the scenes inside we filmed in my bedroom because of various reasons such as; practicality and I have venetian blinds in my room, which is a common convention in thriller films, with this in mind we decided to include them into our thriller film to give the audience that familiarity when they watch it.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Evaluation question 6

Evaluation Question 7

Question 7: Looking back at your prelimary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The prelimary task was so that we could develop our skills with the cameras and to introduce us to the film making elements. The main task was for us to film a scene in which a character walks and meets another character, the two characters would then exchange some dialogue, but we had to include different camera shots such as shot reverse shot and zooming in, we also had to gain our confidence with using the camera and tripod together. The prelimary task which helped us develop our skills with cameras and editing software in preparation for our thriller film project.

Before production of our thriller films began we had to do a lot of research and planning, this differed from the planning that we had to do for our prelimary task, for example we had to draw up storyboards to show the action we would be filming in each box, next to each box was the name of the camera shot and a short summary of what would be occurring in the shot. These were useful skills that we learnt and then applied when production of our thriller films began.

At the start of prelimary task production we were not as informed and aware of the technologies and techniques we would have to use but as we progressed through the production we learnt the skills required to produce the full product and then later on apply to our thriller films

Confirmed Dead - Thriller film opening

Monday 28 March 2011

Evaluation Question 1

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products.

The Thriller opening that we chose to create was based upon an ‘Action Thriller’ genre. The film starts with a man waking up in the street to discover he has what would appear to be a fatal gunshot wound on his, he has no recollection of who he is or how he sustained his injury. As the story unfolds the protagonist is chased by a group of dangerous individuals trying to hunt him down whilst also trying to discover the dark secrets of his past.

One of the thriller films that had an influence on the production of our thriller opening was ‘The Bourne Ultimatum’. We utilized this film’s conventions for example the way in which we edited having shots on screen for a little amount then moving onto the next, this convention was used to give the effect that the audience were fully immersed in the action as it was taking place, it also speeds up the pace of our opening which is very similar to the opening of ‘The Bourne Ultimatum’.

 Another influence was ‘Memento’ this is because in our film we have a series of flashbacks which helps explain the narrative of our film. These flashbacks are shown in ‘black in white’ to help the audience recognise the transition from the main story and the flashbacks which led up to what we first see; this was also used in ‘Memento’. Another convention that we have developed is similar to ‘The Bourne Ultimatum’ in which we distorted the shot during a flashback to give the impression that the audience and protagonist are both recalling an event crucial to the story, this also helped the audience to identify with the protagonist, they are experiencing it as the character on screen. The Television show ‘Misfits’ had an influence in the way we edited our product, this is because misfits is shown as gritty with a dark atmosphere and this is done by altering the saturation and contrast of the shots, we developed this into our own product to give a similar gritty impression.

An influence on our cinematography and the way in which the film was shot was ‘The Blair Witch Project’ this was because of the ‘shakey cam’ technique, we developed this into our product because of the mysterious and sinister atmosphere it gives in ‘The Blair Witch Project’ this was the impression we wanted the audience to experience when watching our product. When constructing our characters, especially our protagonist, we decided to research other protagonists, ultimately our protagonist was influenced by the character of ‘Clark Kent’ on the Television show ‘Smallville’ in the season 10 premiere when an injured ‘Clark Kent’ awakens after a battle.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Research into Film audiences Findings

 Research into Film audiences Findings
By Jake Bromley
After distributing both my quantitative and qualitative surveys, I received feedback giving me a range of different answers that I put together then made pie charts to display my findings. I gave my surveys out to 10 different people, 5 girls and 5 boys. My results showed that the older the person the less likely they are to attend the cinema, I know this because in my interviews I discovered that someone over 60 years old does not like to attend the cinema.  During my research, my feedback showed that most people learn about new films through television advertisements. There are other marketing methods that participants of the survey also mentioned, which were; the use of advertising on the radio, word of mouth from friends, internet and Newspaper reviews, but most participants agreed that trailers of films advertised on the television are the most effective method of film marketing.

 After I distributed both my quantitive and qualitative surveys to 10 different participants, 5 males and 5 females. I also interviewed them then summarised my findings into pie charts.

My results showed that most participants like to view films that are broadcast on the television, I interviewed why and discovered that people enjoy “watching films in the comfort of their own home”. This also applies to a DVD or Video, that a person can watch it at home whenever they wish. After that some participants found that they enjoy watching films on the internet and a small minority of people prefer to go to the cinema with friends and view films.

Results showed that most participants enjoy viewing films with friends together as a leisurely activity, although just fewer than half the participants I interviewed said that they prefer to watch films alone so that they “are not distracted and can become fully immersed in the story”. One Participant said that they enjoy watching films with their family as a family activity.

When asked more than half of the participants that took part all said that their favourite choice of cinema to watch films at is; mainstream cinema: VUE, when asked why participants said because they saw the advertisement and another participant said because it was “a popular place that they like to hang out with their friends”. Other participants said that they prefer to view their films at another mainstream cinema: Odeon, when asked why they prefer Odeon as opposed to VUE a participant said they “Like the experience that Odeon offer”. One participant explained that they do not view films at any cinema because they “are too busy”.

Research into film audiences proposal

Research project into film audiences
By Jake Bromley

I plan to design and then distribute two questionnaires, one being concerning Quantitive questions and the other concerning Qualitative questions. Quantitive questions are closed ended questions that ask a question and give a list of possible answers allowing survey to give back definitive answers, whereas Qualitative questions are open ended questions that ask the participant a question and lets the participant give their own personal views and opinions as their answer, this allows us to gain a better insight into the participants views. After distributing the questionnaires to 10 participants I intend to follow them up by interviewing the participants to elaborate on their given answers.

After collecting all my results I plan to create pie charts to show my findings, and see which advertising methods work the best and gain a better knowledge into people’s consumption of films. My results will ultimately show people’s opinions on Independent cinemas and mainstream cinemas.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Qualitative Research into Film Audiences

Qualitative Research into Film Audiences
By Jake Bromley
In your own words please answers the following questions below:

1.    What Gender are you?

2.    How old are you?

3.    How Do You View your films?

4.    How do you find out about new films?

5.    In your opinion what is the most effective advertising method for a film and explain why?

Quantitative Research into Film Audiences

Quantitative Research into Film Audiences
By Jake Bromley

Please answers the following questions below (tick which option applies to you)
1. What Gender are you?
· Male
· Female

2. What Age are you?
· 0-10
· 11-20
· 21-30
· 31-40
· 41-50
· 51-60
· Over 60

3. How do you view films?
· Cinema
· Television
· DVD or video
· Internet

4. If so, which cinema do you view films at?
· Odeon
· Cinema City
· Other
· None

5. Who do you view your films with?
· Friends
· Family
· Alone

Thursday 27 January 2011

Continuity Task Overview

For planning I first plotted out what I would be filming, to do this I had to draw up a storyboard that would show the action that would be filmed, this was so that I plan out what would be filmed and how it would be filmed. During the filming process there were some changes made that affected the filming process, such as cutting certain shots from the film for the benefit of the film.

During filming I learnt a variety of different filming techniques to help develop my camera skills, these include the shot reverse shot in which the camera shoots the action with one shot straight to the next shot without breaking the 180 degree rule, which is a line straight through the action and you have to stay one side of the line the whole time your shooting that scene.

When editing I used Adobe Premiere for the editing process in this project, in which I cut the film clips then arranged them into linear order. I decided not to add a soundtrack or any sound modifications and kept the diegetic sound to add to the realism.

Monday 3 January 2011

Film noir


Chiaroscuro in art is characterized by strong contrasts between light and dark, usually bold contrasts affecting a whole composition.

Chiaroscuro is also used in cinematography to indicate extreme low-key lighting to create distinct areas of light and darkness in films.

This still is taken from Sin city showing an example of Chiaroscuro

This image shows the effect of Chiaroscuro in a film noir showing the contrast of the light balance and affecting the atmosphere of the scene.