Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Evaluation Question 7

Question 7: Looking back at your prelimary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The prelimary task was so that we could develop our skills with the cameras and to introduce us to the film making elements. The main task was for us to film a scene in which a character walks and meets another character, the two characters would then exchange some dialogue, but we had to include different camera shots such as shot reverse shot and zooming in, we also had to gain our confidence with using the camera and tripod together. The prelimary task which helped us develop our skills with cameras and editing software in preparation for our thriller film project.

Before production of our thriller films began we had to do a lot of research and planning, this differed from the planning that we had to do for our prelimary task, for example we had to draw up storyboards to show the action we would be filming in each box, next to each box was the name of the camera shot and a short summary of what would be occurring in the shot. These were useful skills that we learnt and then applied when production of our thriller films began.

At the start of prelimary task production we were not as informed and aware of the technologies and techniques we would have to use but as we progressed through the production we learnt the skills required to produce the full product and then later on apply to our thriller films

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