Thursday 11 November 2010

Thriller Film Audience Research - Proposal Form

Thriller Film Audience Research-Proposal form
By Jake Bromley

What I want to find out:
  1. The audience expectations of Independent/mainstream film.
  2. Popular actors in mainstream/unknown independent actors.
  3. Different music.
  4. Setting difference.
  5. Different plotline.

How I am going to find out:
  1. Interview.
  2. Questionnaire.
  3. Survey-favourite thriller films.
  4. Reading film reviews.

What I expect to find out:
  1. Key themes in thriller films.
  2. The attraction.
  3. The age range.


  1. Jake - It looks like you haven't quite got to grips with labels on your blog. We need to take a look at this in the lesson, please.

  2. Jake, how far have you got with your research on this? The proposal seems fine though perhaps more focused in finding out about the audience's perception of the differences between mainstream and independent film than finding out about their expectations of them and therefore what they will expect/want to see in your own production.

  3. Jake you need to post your questionnaire and interview questions. Please post the write up of your findings asap which were due last Friday.
