Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Our thriller film is a male dominated film; in our opening there is only two characters, both of which are male. The protagonist is an active and complex character in his early thirties, he is in the audience’s perspective the ‘good guy’, he is the character the audiences identify with. The Antagonist is an active, simplistic character in his early forties. All this creates a male dominated genre, we did not purposely choose to omit females from our product we just felt it did not fit with the narrative of our film. In our thriller film we do not have a proportionally representation of society because our character’s ages are quite close
In our thriller film it is arguable that we reinforce a stereotype that individuals involved with crime are man in there 30’s – 40’s and the clothes they wear suggest involvement in crime such as; a leather jacket and a military style trench coat.
this ones my all time favourite