Monday, 4 April 2011

Target Audience Write Up

Thriller film Target audience profile

When constructing our thriller film we had to consider our target audience, their demographic and to research our target audience’s preferences as far as film and in particular thriller film.

Our target audience is 15-25 year old males who enjoy action films. When gathering research, we discovered that our target audience liked films like ‘The Bourne Ultimatum’ and ‘Memento’ which eventually led to them being used as influences when constructing our thriller. 

During our research we discovered that our audience greatly admire the editing of such films like ‘The Bourne Ultimatum’ and ‘Memento’ because they were vital to the narrative and the telling of the story. We found it important to get the pace of the film similar to other thriller films so the audience can feel a sense of familiarity. Our film appeals to those who’s psychodynamic would be aspires that go to watch a film to escape into a world in which they identify with an action hero.

The Bourne Ultimatum poster shows Matt Damon standing in the fore ground showing his role as an action hero that aspirers can identify with his character as a form of escape from reality.

We have taken a still from the film’s opening and used it as a poster.
The still here from the opening, is the protagonist looking at himself in the mirror for the first time since he awoke from not knowing where he was. This shows the gritty and dark atmosphere of the film, which appeals to our target audience.  He is looking for his identity, which the audience can relate to because they are always, is learning his identity as he is.

The genre of our thriller film is an action thriller; to advertise our poster shows our protagonist standing in a pose that is familiar in most thriller film posters this gives the audience their first impression of familiarity. The audience love action and the thrill that these films provide especially if they feel a familiar thrill they may have witnessed before and they get pleasure out of this. The pleasure that a generic mainstream thriller film can provide.

1 comment:

  1. Although the Poster is not the focus of this profile - does the film havve a title? Is there a tag line?

    Also Jake you have not posted your findings on previous research. Are you able to refer to this in profile?
